I’ve got a ton of Crazy God Stories that come from the last decade-and-a-half of me living by faith and following Jesus and seeing God show up in crazy amazing ways like He did in the Bible so that my life has become unexplainable apart from God. I've got another ton of stories from other people who step out in faith and see God show up in crazy amazing ways like He did in the Bible. The God we read about in the Bible is still doing the same things today that He did thousands of years ago. He is still working through the lives of His followers just like He did in the Bible.
I believe God wants everyone to know Him and experience Him the way people in the Bible did, but that’s not often what happens in the lives of believers. All of the Jesus followers we read about in the New Testament experienced God in different ways and were used by Him to do different things. All of what we read about was empowered by the Holy Spirit and was intended to build up the Body of Christ so that they could reach the lost with the gospel. I don’t know exactly what God wants to do in or through the lives of anyone specifically, but I do know that He wants everyone’s life to look like a story out of the Bible.
God has called me to strengthen other believers and to encourage the Body of Christ so that people are living by faith and following Jesus and fulfilling tho mission of Christ in the world. When people do that they see God show up in and through their lives like people in the Bible did, and they get to walk out His plans and purposes for their lives. Below I write about some of the different ways that God is currently using me to do that and how you can get involved.
If any of the things God is using me to do can help you in your faith journey please let me know! I don’t charge anything or have any fees for anything I do.
Social Media Content
I make short videos where I tell Crazy God Stories about what it looks like to live by faith, and how God shows up in response. In Matthew 6 Jesus said not to do good works for the purpose of having those works seen by others as a way to glorify yourself. Before that, in Matthew 5:16 Jesus, “Let your light shine before men, so they see your good deeds and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.” Stories of faith are a powerful way to do that. As I’ve shared my stories and the stories of others I have heard from countless people that have shared with me how it’s changed the way they live.
I recently received an email from a woman who told me that she is a Christian who never shared her faith with anyone, but after she started watching my videos she began talking to people about Jesus. She goes to counseling, and talked to her counselor about Jesus and she got saved. I don’t share this to be braggadocious, but to illustrate what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 5:16.
I’ve been making content for social media since 2019, and while I’ve gotten much better at it, I’m not the most tech savvy person in the world and I know that there are many things I can do to improve the content I make. I am looking for help with editing videos and creative direction.
I predominantly post on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, but also post occasionally on Youtube. I am always looking for more stories!
Daily Devotional
I write a devotional that I send email out 5 days a week. Monday through Friday. I’ve really been excited at the way that I’ve seen the Holy Spirit guide me as far as what to write each day, and also the response I’ve gotten from the people who receive the devotionals. It really is making an impact in people’s spiritual lives.
Most devotionals share a verse and then write a paragraph or two about it. What I write Is usually a 3-4 page Bible Study each day. If you would like to receive it send a email to [email protected] from the email address you want to receive it to, and make sure that in the subject line you write "devotional"
Speaking at Churches
This has been one of my favorite things to do! I have been invited to speak at different churches. Sometimes it’s been for one sunday service in front of a youth group. Sometimes it’s speaking several times over the weekend. One time I preached for 8 days at a revival put on by two different churches. It wasn’t the type of revival we saw at Asbury University a few years ago, but was in depth teaching from God’s Word and a call to respond.
Every time I speak at a church it’s a completely different experience, but I’ve always seen God show up and give me specific messages that are unique to each group that end up being what they need to hear.
If your church or Christian organization is looking for someone to speak at a regular service or at a special event I would love to speak with you about it. I don’t charge a speaking fee or anything like that, but do ask that if able you cover travel expenses, and I travel cheap.
Online Discipleship Class /
Mentorship Program
Last year I started teaching online discipleship classes. I run 2 groups simultaneously; one in the morning and one in the evenings. Both groups meet once a week, and then I do one-on-one meetings throughout the week with my students.
This for me has been a huge joy because I’ve been able to walk with people out of nominal Christianity and into vibrant relationships with Jesus.
The classes meet over zoom and we have a WhatsApp group chat. I record the classes and post the videos to youtube and paste a link to the videos on my website. We just finished our last class and I will host another one in the spring of next year.
Book Ministry
In 2021 I published a book called Crazy God Story: Faith Isn’t Blind. The first part of it is my story of when I used to run the nonprofit mechanic company. The second part of the book talks about how to get to a place in your life where living by faith and following Jesus is as natural as breathing. I give away free PDF copies of the book on my website, and also buy hard copies to give away. I get author copies for about $5 apiece.
Biblical Counsel
I am not a licensed counselor, but God has built me to help people know Him and follow Him through His Word, and it’s something I’ve been to college for. I spend a lot of time answering DM’s and emails from people who are looking for advice and Biblical guidance in their lives. It’s one of my favorite things to do because the Bible gives us God’s wisdom on every aspect of life, and while I’m fallible and can get things wrong I’ve seen the Holy Spirit open up God’s Word to me in order to help others. As a result I’ve seen many people who were on destructive paths that were leading them away from God turn back to God and become reconciled with Him.
The thing I need more than anything else when it comes to this stuff is prayer. I need people praying for me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
If I can help you in this part of your life please don’t hesitate to ask or to reach out to me.
Prayer Support!
This is the thing I need more than absolutely anything else. I need people to pray for me and my family and for the work. As I’ve followed Jesus and led others to do the same My family and I have come under constant spiritual attack in a variety of different ways. We need prayer for that stuff, and also wisdom and guidance so that I stay humble and keep doing the things that God wants me to do and don’t get distracted with the things He doesn’t want me doing.
There is power through prayer when we connect with God through it!
Nonprofit Mechanic Company
For years I ran a nonprofit company called Affordable Auto Repair where I fixed cars for broke people for free as a way to share the love of God with people. For years it was my full-time job. I didn't have another job or have any financial backers or supporters or anything like that, but God sustained the needs of that business and my family, and I continually saw God reaching the lost with the gospel through what He was doing with my life.
That company was incredibly successful in several different ways, but God typically doesn't leave us in one place indefinitely. Often He has us somewhere for a season in order to prepare us for what's next. That's what He has regularly done with me. Eventually God changed some things around in my life, and Affordable Auto Repair became a part time job that I continued to work in addition to another job until an injury in October 2020 left me unable to walk for two years and almost led to my right leg being amputated.
Eventually God led me to a surgeon who was able to save my leg and I regained my ability to walk, but my leg has never fully recovered. Aside from issues with my leg, my injury caused some longterm medical issues that have left me completely unable to do mechanic work anymore. God still miraculously heals people today just like He did in the Bible, it's actually something I've seen happen and have heard countless stories of from people who are alive today. However, not long after my initial injury God spoke top my heart and very clearly told me that He wasn't going to heal me right now, but was going to use this injury to transition my life, and that's exactly what's happened.
After my injury I continued to try to work as a mechanic, it was incredibly challenging, but I pushed through. I had multiple surgeries and physical limitations, but I kept trying. I was in a longterm recovery process (that I'm still in) and I ended up being let go from my job, but continued to operate Affordable Auto Repair on a limited basis.
I had been on social media for several years telling Crazy God Stories, but with the extra time I had on my hands I began investing my time and energy into social media ministry and the other ministries that have come from it. In March 2023, 14 years after opening Affordable Auto Repair, God made it clear that it was time for me to stop doing mechanic work altogether and start doing full time online ministry, and whatever ministries He leads me to.
He showed me that I didn't have time to do both mechanic work and the things that He is leading me to now. Aside from that I really don't have the physical ability to do mechanic work anymore because every time I try to it exacerbates the longterm issues I'm dealing with from my injury. He let me know that I could continue to struggle on trying to help people in need and minister to one person at a time through the mechanic work that I wasn't really able to do, or I could surrender to what He's calling me to now and instead of ministering to one person at a time I could be used by Him to equip countless believers to minister to more people than I ever could on my own. After 14 years I finally closed Affordable Auto Repair, and since then have been pouring my life into strengthening other believers and equipping them to follow Jesus.
God has laid it on my heart to never charge anyone for anything I do so that money is never a hindrance to ministry. For 20 years I was a mechanic and I never asked anyone for any money at all. But recently He has led me to rely on the body of Christ for my livelihood. I have tried to get a regular, full-time job to make a living, but so far God has continually kept every door to that closed so that all I'm currently doing ins the online and social media ministry that God has led me to. Instead of having the financial stability of a regular job I rely donation from others.
I’ve had people tell me that I shouldn’t be asking for money, but both Jesus and Paul said that if a person spends their life working for the gospel they have a right to make a living from it (Matthew 10:9-10, 1 Corinthians 9:4-11, 1 Timothy 5:17-18)
I’m looking for people who are willing to support the work that God is doing through me either with a special gift, or on a regular basis. Not only do I need help paying my bills and buying groceries and stuff like that, but I’ve got overhead related to the ministry work that I do.
If you want to support the work, there are links at the bottom of this page.
You can reach me via DM on any of my socials or by emailing me at [email protected]
I believe God wants everyone to know Him and experience Him the way people in the Bible did, but that’s not often what happens in the lives of believers. All of the Jesus followers we read about in the New Testament experienced God in different ways and were used by Him to do different things. All of what we read about was empowered by the Holy Spirit and was intended to build up the Body of Christ so that they could reach the lost with the gospel. I don’t know exactly what God wants to do in or through the lives of anyone specifically, but I do know that He wants everyone’s life to look like a story out of the Bible.
God has called me to strengthen other believers and to encourage the Body of Christ so that people are living by faith and following Jesus and fulfilling tho mission of Christ in the world. When people do that they see God show up in and through their lives like people in the Bible did, and they get to walk out His plans and purposes for their lives. Below I write about some of the different ways that God is currently using me to do that and how you can get involved.
If any of the things God is using me to do can help you in your faith journey please let me know! I don’t charge anything or have any fees for anything I do.
Social Media Content
I make short videos where I tell Crazy God Stories about what it looks like to live by faith, and how God shows up in response. In Matthew 6 Jesus said not to do good works for the purpose of having those works seen by others as a way to glorify yourself. Before that, in Matthew 5:16 Jesus, “Let your light shine before men, so they see your good deeds and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.” Stories of faith are a powerful way to do that. As I’ve shared my stories and the stories of others I have heard from countless people that have shared with me how it’s changed the way they live.
I recently received an email from a woman who told me that she is a Christian who never shared her faith with anyone, but after she started watching my videos she began talking to people about Jesus. She goes to counseling, and talked to her counselor about Jesus and she got saved. I don’t share this to be braggadocious, but to illustrate what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 5:16.
I’ve been making content for social media since 2019, and while I’ve gotten much better at it, I’m not the most tech savvy person in the world and I know that there are many things I can do to improve the content I make. I am looking for help with editing videos and creative direction.
I predominantly post on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, but also post occasionally on Youtube. I am always looking for more stories!
Daily Devotional
I write a devotional that I send email out 5 days a week. Monday through Friday. I’ve really been excited at the way that I’ve seen the Holy Spirit guide me as far as what to write each day, and also the response I’ve gotten from the people who receive the devotionals. It really is making an impact in people’s spiritual lives.
Most devotionals share a verse and then write a paragraph or two about it. What I write Is usually a 3-4 page Bible Study each day. If you would like to receive it send a email to [email protected] from the email address you want to receive it to, and make sure that in the subject line you write "devotional"
Speaking at Churches
This has been one of my favorite things to do! I have been invited to speak at different churches. Sometimes it’s been for one sunday service in front of a youth group. Sometimes it’s speaking several times over the weekend. One time I preached for 8 days at a revival put on by two different churches. It wasn’t the type of revival we saw at Asbury University a few years ago, but was in depth teaching from God’s Word and a call to respond.
Every time I speak at a church it’s a completely different experience, but I’ve always seen God show up and give me specific messages that are unique to each group that end up being what they need to hear.
If your church or Christian organization is looking for someone to speak at a regular service or at a special event I would love to speak with you about it. I don’t charge a speaking fee or anything like that, but do ask that if able you cover travel expenses, and I travel cheap.
Online Discipleship Class /
Mentorship Program
Last year I started teaching online discipleship classes. I run 2 groups simultaneously; one in the morning and one in the evenings. Both groups meet once a week, and then I do one-on-one meetings throughout the week with my students.
This for me has been a huge joy because I’ve been able to walk with people out of nominal Christianity and into vibrant relationships with Jesus.
The classes meet over zoom and we have a WhatsApp group chat. I record the classes and post the videos to youtube and paste a link to the videos on my website. We just finished our last class and I will host another one in the spring of next year.
Book Ministry
In 2021 I published a book called Crazy God Story: Faith Isn’t Blind. The first part of it is my story of when I used to run the nonprofit mechanic company. The second part of the book talks about how to get to a place in your life where living by faith and following Jesus is as natural as breathing. I give away free PDF copies of the book on my website, and also buy hard copies to give away. I get author copies for about $5 apiece.
Biblical Counsel
I am not a licensed counselor, but God has built me to help people know Him and follow Him through His Word, and it’s something I’ve been to college for. I spend a lot of time answering DM’s and emails from people who are looking for advice and Biblical guidance in their lives. It’s one of my favorite things to do because the Bible gives us God’s wisdom on every aspect of life, and while I’m fallible and can get things wrong I’ve seen the Holy Spirit open up God’s Word to me in order to help others. As a result I’ve seen many people who were on destructive paths that were leading them away from God turn back to God and become reconciled with Him.
The thing I need more than anything else when it comes to this stuff is prayer. I need people praying for me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
If I can help you in this part of your life please don’t hesitate to ask or to reach out to me.
Prayer Support!
This is the thing I need more than absolutely anything else. I need people to pray for me and my family and for the work. As I’ve followed Jesus and led others to do the same My family and I have come under constant spiritual attack in a variety of different ways. We need prayer for that stuff, and also wisdom and guidance so that I stay humble and keep doing the things that God wants me to do and don’t get distracted with the things He doesn’t want me doing.
There is power through prayer when we connect with God through it!
Nonprofit Mechanic Company
For years I ran a nonprofit company called Affordable Auto Repair where I fixed cars for broke people for free as a way to share the love of God with people. For years it was my full-time job. I didn't have another job or have any financial backers or supporters or anything like that, but God sustained the needs of that business and my family, and I continually saw God reaching the lost with the gospel through what He was doing with my life.
That company was incredibly successful in several different ways, but God typically doesn't leave us in one place indefinitely. Often He has us somewhere for a season in order to prepare us for what's next. That's what He has regularly done with me. Eventually God changed some things around in my life, and Affordable Auto Repair became a part time job that I continued to work in addition to another job until an injury in October 2020 left me unable to walk for two years and almost led to my right leg being amputated.
Eventually God led me to a surgeon who was able to save my leg and I regained my ability to walk, but my leg has never fully recovered. Aside from issues with my leg, my injury caused some longterm medical issues that have left me completely unable to do mechanic work anymore. God still miraculously heals people today just like He did in the Bible, it's actually something I've seen happen and have heard countless stories of from people who are alive today. However, not long after my initial injury God spoke top my heart and very clearly told me that He wasn't going to heal me right now, but was going to use this injury to transition my life, and that's exactly what's happened.
After my injury I continued to try to work as a mechanic, it was incredibly challenging, but I pushed through. I had multiple surgeries and physical limitations, but I kept trying. I was in a longterm recovery process (that I'm still in) and I ended up being let go from my job, but continued to operate Affordable Auto Repair on a limited basis.
I had been on social media for several years telling Crazy God Stories, but with the extra time I had on my hands I began investing my time and energy into social media ministry and the other ministries that have come from it. In March 2023, 14 years after opening Affordable Auto Repair, God made it clear that it was time for me to stop doing mechanic work altogether and start doing full time online ministry, and whatever ministries He leads me to.
He showed me that I didn't have time to do both mechanic work and the things that He is leading me to now. Aside from that I really don't have the physical ability to do mechanic work anymore because every time I try to it exacerbates the longterm issues I'm dealing with from my injury. He let me know that I could continue to struggle on trying to help people in need and minister to one person at a time through the mechanic work that I wasn't really able to do, or I could surrender to what He's calling me to now and instead of ministering to one person at a time I could be used by Him to equip countless believers to minister to more people than I ever could on my own. After 14 years I finally closed Affordable Auto Repair, and since then have been pouring my life into strengthening other believers and equipping them to follow Jesus.
God has laid it on my heart to never charge anyone for anything I do so that money is never a hindrance to ministry. For 20 years I was a mechanic and I never asked anyone for any money at all. But recently He has led me to rely on the body of Christ for my livelihood. I have tried to get a regular, full-time job to make a living, but so far God has continually kept every door to that closed so that all I'm currently doing ins the online and social media ministry that God has led me to. Instead of having the financial stability of a regular job I rely donation from others.
I’ve had people tell me that I shouldn’t be asking for money, but both Jesus and Paul said that if a person spends their life working for the gospel they have a right to make a living from it (Matthew 10:9-10, 1 Corinthians 9:4-11, 1 Timothy 5:17-18)
I’m looking for people who are willing to support the work that God is doing through me either with a special gift, or on a regular basis. Not only do I need help paying my bills and buying groceries and stuff like that, but I’ve got overhead related to the ministry work that I do.
If you want to support the work, there are links at the bottom of this page.
You can reach me via DM on any of my socials or by emailing me at [email protected]